Bear With Us!
When you can’t find a Harvest Host and you need a place to stay for the night that won’t cost you an arm and arm and a leg; the fairgrounds looks promising. ERGO Santa Rosa Fairgrounds earned our business for a couple nights. It was supposed to be three nights but we got confused and left a day early and hadn’t realized our mistake until the check in lady at Fort Bragg’s Harbor RV Park explained that we had arrived a day early! Does this sound familiar? Remember Horsetooth Reservoir? Likely the increasing temps (now over 90 degrees) spurred us on to cooler climes.
We did get out of our “box” as Jan likes to refer to our rig and got in a two mile run at nearby Howarth park while in Santa Rosa. Molly VSOD was not in a good mood, so we took extra time to let her explore the park.
Next we hit Fort Bragg and WOW was it great to see the ocean. What looked like a seedy trailer park (and part of it was) turned out to be a great camp site as it was situated on the Pomo bluffs overlooking the coast line, including the harbor.

Homeless Highway
Shoreline Park in Eureka California was another quickie; who doesn’t like a quickie? Not too much redeeming value at this place, It was adjacent to a six mile bike/walk/skateboard path, which if it wasn’t for the sketchy folks lurking about would have been an asset instead of a concern. Homeless camps abound in the bushes off the trail here. Bikes, surge protectors and on a good day a generator make good pickins’ to sustain some lifestyles. Reviews for this campground mention theft as something to be concerned with. We kept everything locked up and survived the night.


Full Hookups

Walk to Target
Alis Volat Propriis
Oregon State Motto “She Flies with Wings” -> Now we’re getting somewhere. We’re out of California with the sense that this is where the real adventure begins. We found Jerry’s Flat Road and I wouldn’t mention it except it is such an unusual name for a road. Up the road is Secret Camp, our home for the next several days.
Secret camp has about twenty sites hidden from the road. The sites are very large and mostly you’re hidden from your neighbors. Everything here, as in all of coastal Oregon is green with shades of green, complimented with accents of green. Different colors of green of course.
The big attraction in this part of Oregon is the Cape Sebastian trail. Approximately two and a half miles from the bluffs to the ocean. Molly VSOD was quite excited as we started off but was certainly dragging on the way back. Dad had to carry her over several fallen logs. It’s what we Dads do for our children, right?

Bigfoot spotted in Oregon – photographic proof!

If you see this guy on the highway, pick him up. He’s not Bigfoot, is a little off, but he’s not dangerous.
From The Blog
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